Sunday 12 January 2014

Things are working out ,
and yes over and out ..... my favourite angel .

and further out

Thursday 9 January 2014

New years day  and ,

yesterday, i returned to my ipad , and the blooming app isn't properly responding , but theres still  far more to do .  The composer Tavener, died recently , and on the TV, i saw him saying in an ordinary way that he composed for God , yes i thought just that,  just remember  -  ordinary GOD . why not keep it simple and , of course then comes the extraordinary ordinary . 

I walked through wells woods , and  over the top to look out at the sea , it was a particular relief , as last night a US helicopter crashed in the fragile salt marshes just  a few miles down the coast from wells. 4 poor people died there and the marsh is  spattered with live ammunition and terrible debris from the violent accident. 
im calling my next picture up and over.
and perhaps not surprisingly its not working out yet .

Theres been an uneasy gap because i lost confidence in my ipad skills . I returned to paint , the only medium i have a confidence and understanding of . i love paint and brushes .